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MicroClean 95™

Patented 1" Polarized Media Air Cleaner

CARB Certified 1" Air Cleaner

Title 24 California Compliant

DTX-MB-16 inch model-glow-V2.png

Slim Fit Design for Homes, Condos, Apartments & Offices

ASHRAE 52.2 Tested - 95% efficient at 1 and 0.3 Micron

UL 2998 Certified - Zero Ozone Emission Validated

The Respicaire MicroClean 95™ is a new generation of Hybrid Polarized Media Air Cleaners that combine two processes to maximize air cleaning efficiency. 

The MicroClean 95™ works on the principle of electro-magnetic attraction to remove harmful, airborne particulates from your indoor air. This includes particles as small as 0.3 microns. 

The MC 95™ employs a Carbon Graphite electrical grid and internal media pads to create an electro-magnetic field. As the air recirculates through your central heating and cooling system, the airborne contaminants, such as pollen, smoke, dust, dander, mold particles, even Virus and Bacteria, are unable to escape once they get trapped inside the charged media pads. 

The MicroClean 95 has been AHRAE 52.2 tested & has a long history of in-field quality performance.

The secret behind this highly efficient and well built 1" polarized media air cleaner is the Patented Carbon Graphite (CG) charging system inside each  unit.  

This patented process places a powerful electrical charge on the unique media pads inside the air cleaner. It means that these multi-layered certified pads attract and hold a high amount of harmful airborne pollutants that would irritate our respiratory system. The MicroClean 95 Cleaner is 95% efficient at removing airborne pollutants as the air recirculates through your HVAC system

The removal of these troublesome particulates is essential for people with Asthma, various respiratory issues as well as Allergies. Respicaire MicroClean 95™  helps create a healthier indoor air environment for you & your family. 

Use only the Respicaire Original Replacement Media Pads to protect your product and warranty!

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